We've simplified the experience for accessing the breadth of templates from industry experts in the Almanac Core. Templates are always accessible in the bottom left of your Workspace, via the Templates button. Additionally, now when browsing the Core, you can easily navigate back to your Workspace with the "Your Workspace" button.
Quality of life
We've improved the experience of using Tasks in your documents! In-doc Tasks are now faster and more reliable. And even more updates coming soon 😉
We've improved the permissions experience from the main document when you do not have access to a Linked Copy.
When snoozing items in your inbox, we've added more detailed date information to make your experience cleaner.
The Track Changes tab is back in the right side of your documents after a short hiatus.
Suggested Changes have a new icon in your Inbox to help distinguish them.
When a document is only shared with one other person who Suggests Changes, we will no longer display an error message.